June 2023 – Jargon Buster
We are well aware we live in an era of acronyms and terminology. Often it can be confusing, so here is some definitions:
EPA or End Point Assessment
As part of your apprenticeship standard, you are required to pass an End Point Assessment. This is to verify you have obtained the knowledge, skills and behaviours of your programme.
Off the job or OTJ teaching, learning and assessment.
This means you receive teaching, learning and assessment AT WORK. You are at work but away from normal duties and responsibilities. And don’t forget that whilst off the job includes classroom learning, it also includes ANY learning that contributes to your programme, at work, supervision, etc.
Knowledge, skills and Behaviours or KSB’s
These are what makes up your apprenticeship modules. For example, you will learn and demonstrate your knowledge, skills and behaviours against the health and safety module, etc.
Planned End Date or PED
This is the date you should be finishing your programme.
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)
This links to your education and career, looking at your recommended path before, during and after your programme. It also includes overcoming any barriers to learning, etc.
Her majesties inspectorate for education. Like CQC or early years inspections, they come to Achieving Excellence to inspect the quality of our provision.