July 2023 – Shared Responsibility
We hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather; this wonderful country is stunning when we have consistent seasons!
As the academic year end approaches, we wanted to remind those apprentices who are passed their planned end date they will be on a Rapid Action Plan for successful completion.
Each of these newsletters in various parts, reminds apprentices of apprenticeships, what is required and how they are delivered. We are reminded of our shared responsibility.
You will hopefully remember this chart from your induction where we discuss the roles and responsibilities of yourselves, your tutor and your employer.

We are thankful to so many apprentices for taking responsibility and ownership for their programmes.
Achieving Excellence strive to provide the platform for teaching, learning and assessment. We don’t always get it right, but we aim to switfly solve issues. However, we provide an excellent support network, along with a moden sequenced curriculum and highly experianced tutors.
What remains is for some apprentices and employers to take greater ownership and responsibility. For those who already do, consider how you can strengthen that even further.
As adult apprentices this is YOUR programme and YOUR work. We, you and your employer are only as good as:
- The planning we all put in, including off the job training
- Understanding programme content and requirements including things like End Point Assessment
- Understanding short term and long term deadlines and timescales, like your planned end date
- Participating in learning reviews within every 12 weeks.
- Understanding broader support around safeguarding, British Values, and personal development.
- Open and transparent communication
- Etc
We invite our tutors, employers and aprentices to raise the bar with these programmes, to secure significantly greater impact on apprentices and their work life… driving an increase in professionalism to service users.
Rick Shuttleworth