June 2022 – Healthy Eating Week
‘The Health Survey for England 2019 estimates that 28.0% of adults in England are obese and a further 36.2% are overweight but not obese.
Obesity is usually defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above. BMI between 25 and 30 is classified as ‘overweight’.’
This can lead to long term health implications, a shorter life expectancy and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Perhaps more worryingly, 14.4% of reception age children (age 4-5) are obese, with a further 13.3% overweight. At age 10-11 (year 6), 25.5% are obese and 15.4% overweight. National Child Measurement Programme.
The message for the Week this year is, Eat well for you and the planet! Each day of the Week will have a different theme:
Monday: Focus on fibre – for meals and snacks
Tuesday: Get at least 5 A DAY – put plenty on your plate
Wednesday: Vary your protein – be more creative
Thursday: Stay hydrated – fill up from the tap
Friday: Reduce food waste – know your portions
What can you do to help healthy eating in your workplace?
Do you offer a variety of healthy foods at lunch time if meals are available on site? If you have vending machines at work, do they have healthy alternatives?
If you work with children, do you promote healthy eating to both the child and their parents?
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